Patuxent Council #2203
Since 1920
Serving St. Mary of the Mills
and our Community

Knights of Columbus Patuxent Council No. 2203 supports the Catholic Church and the Laurel, MD. community.

With charity, we save lives, and we change lives! Ask us how, today!

Cue the music …
🎼🎵🎶 “Back in the saddle again …”

Well, my first round as Grand Knight (2019-2020) ended just after CoViD hit. In the last few months of that Fraternal Year, we went virtual via Zoom with all meetings and kept running our programs as much as possible – especially SHARE, which was desperately needed by those in the community who are food-insecure. We also assisted in providing the one community worship activity our parish could provide while the county had everything locked down – Drivethrough Adoration – where we managed the Keesler Center parking lot for the faithful who were willing to come out and were not allowed to get out of their vehicles. (Some of you might remember we had some folks who took issue with that rule, but it was our job to enforce it!) Little did we know that two years later we’d still be fighting CoViD but, with vaccines and boosters now available, we have adapted and are adjusting as each new variant hits. As we begin my second stint as GK, I’d really like to see us get back to normal as much as possible! Some of your smiling faces we haven’t seen for a couple of years (or 5, or 10, …)! It would be really great for you to come back to a meeting or, better yet, to join in on one or more service activities! We have lots to do and it seems the same 20 guys are doing everything! That’s less than ten percent of the council’s membership, so I’ve got to believe we can do better than that! We don’t want to own your life – we’d just like for you to choose one thing and be a regular contributor to that one thing. Give it some thought; we’d really like to see you get “back in the saddle again!”


Serving Others IS Faith in Action